
Wish I had a job!


After an eventful weekend Sunday was the perfect excuse to have a dressing gown day and enjoy a long soak before roast dinner at my grans.
Friday I managed to get another bikini for Spain and do a thorough clean before seeing Jon Richardson at the Philharmonic. After the show I caught a bit of the Olympic parade whilst enjoying a good bottle of real ale from 'The fly in the loaf'. Getting the last train home felt like a curfew.
Saturday I was up early. Met a friend in Liverpool, browsed the Tate and caught up over coffee.
The evenings mixture of Blag sangeria, vodka jelly and beer probably wasn't the best decision but my hangover was short lived for once and I spent a rather relaxed Sunday drinking tea and reading Charles Bukowski.
Lazy? I prefer the word content.


Festival of firsts:Hoylake

Framed doodle i purchased for the better half
Photo captured by Jonathan

Little broski's doodles

                           I love finding my brother's doodles lying about, they're so distinct and quirky.

Mother's love

Experimental sculpture


Birkenhead Park

So little time, so much to do
I've been back from university for over 3weeks and the time has flown by.
Little luck with the job hunt.
I want to make the most of my time on the Wirral and visit as many shows/gallerys as possible.
There's alot going on if you're open to finding it. No excuse to be bored this summer.


Walking in Birkenhead Park has become an almost daily ritual.
The weather hasn't been too bad recently, a perfect opportunity to take some quick snaps.


De-Junk Re-Junk exibition

Wonderful exhibition.
Unexpected material.
Inspiring concepts.
Local Artists.



£2 Sunhat

10p tin
Summer pumps
                                           This completely misrepresents me and my living space.
                                             I often struggle to find things amongst converse caos.

Fine art degree show -

                                       A few pieces I captured from the Leeds Met Fine Art show.

Foundation degree show

                                                   Liverpool Community College