
Galaxy copys

I don't usually wear leggings, I'm  more of a jeans girl but when I saw this galaxy pair in Primark I thought I'd try them on for fun and max out the item limit.
I wanted the beetlejuice BlackMilk's for months but when stripes started popping up in all the highstreet shops I quickly went off the idea, given that I'm mightly suprised that I liked these atall.
I think it was the comfort of them more than anything, they're suitably long, most leggings sit like ankle grazers on me and for £6 I guess you can't go wrong.
I'd imagine probably match these with a long vest, jumper and pair of DM's. Saying that I haven't yet made the purchase.

....I'll give it another week and see if I've gone off the idea.




Colour accent

Black and green

Black and white

Black nails

'Volunteering is Mandatory'

Merrion centre sign

Potassium ting

Banana spoon
I couldn't resist this pair of spooning bananas.

Maybe It shows my immaturity but they looked like lovers to me

Window shopping. Lesson learnt

TK-Maxx shirt
This is a lovely little shirt I found in TK-Maxx some time ago.
Unfortunately It wasn't pay day yet and so I didn't purchase.
My advice about TK-Maxx is Grab it while you can! It will get snapped up and you may have difficulty tracking it down.

I'm sure I could do a DIY job to an existing shirt, however my sewing skills aren't the best.
One of my aims for the summer is to scrub up on that. There's so much I'd like to customise. Especially with all these studded shirts etc floating about the highstreet.

The little beads even go with my piercing.
Th Electric Press
The Canal

Charity shop steal

New dress
Label/ Polished nails
Misleading label!
Birdy print

Although the label suggested the wrong size and the shoulders of this dress are pretty wide I felt it was worth making adjustments with a pin or two. I love the print. I'll most likely wear this with tights and a long necklace.