Today's nail art is bling inspired. Using 'Golden Treasure' nail polish from H&M and 'Art Deco - White' from the pound store.
Its been a pretty good week.Visiting lectures from Ultimate holding company - Wednesday and Jonathan Hodgson(Animator/illustrator) - Friday.
My flatmate had her 20th Birthday this weekend, so a few of us celebrated in our student kitchen with music and a fair amount of alcohol.
Was pretty hungover Saturday morning, but cured by Crumpets me and Mark went to Visit the Royal Armories museum. Orginally we planned to check out a comic convention but when we got there weaponary seemed like a better chocie. There was some fantastic stuff in there and the building itself was pretty impressive.
Ended the day with a pub tea and Peepshow.
My Sunday night will probably consist of washing, ironing and polishing off this bottle of cloudy lemonade.
(Royal Armories pics to come...)
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