
Blue planet

Went to the Blue Planet Aquarium yesterday. Somewhere I havn't been in ages. AMAZING! Fantastic creatures, fantastic colours. More photos to come..



Stuck in the middle ..

Post work invention.

Lazy git!


Slowly my addiction to caffeine and sugar has crept back in. Drinking fizzy drinks and eating sweets on my lunch break is the root of the problem.
A dentist visit will be in order if i don't watch it.

Unlucky for some

If you live in the mindset that you're 'unlucky' then naturally you are going to surround yourself with negative things.



I did another one of those shops, were I unpack my rucksack and realise I have practically nothing, that I can make a meal out of.
Vimtoooo chewwwws!


4am :)
I've gotten into the habbit of leaving my bedroom window + blinds open at night (Calling all thieves!) which means I often wake up pretty early and catch the sunrise.
Maybe I'm just a sentimental soul but I feel so privileged to witness such natural beauty.

The If Theif

02 Academy.
The if theif's final gig.
Sob :(


Boat house



Nutritional wizard

A bottle of Hobgoblin and 3packets of Vimto chews.
I must be the laziest person ever! Even cupasoup requires boiling a kettle.

Gutted I didn't bring my camera out with me tonight.
Rode into the park on my way home from the shops and sat by the pond for awhile. 6pm, no jacket, it was still lovely and warm out of the shade.
Perfect light. Still alot of people about, fishing, walking, cycling.

Binding vibes

Made the finnishing touches to Mark's photoalbum.
I thought things were meant to get easier with practice!
Not as neat as I would have liked but hey hoe. At least the printer didn't die on me.
Technology has a habbit of doing that.


Skydive vibes

Mark did a Skydive to raise money for prostate cancer today. Shame it resulted in a sprained ankle. At least it wasn't a broken leg.

Anyone wanting to donate money to this worthy cause, here's the link :)

Sort out

Going through my vast collection of computer files, I came across pictures of Sarah's room from my 'memories and belongings project'.
People's rooms fascinate me, they're always so individual and quirky. I'd love a mannequin body myself.
I need a major clear out before uni!

Memory lane


Tried on a few pairs of shorts, just for fun.
Things I wouldn't usually wear.
I have to say, If I was in a perminantly hot climate the pineapple pair would tempt me.


Petals and studs

Been messing around with Lookbook ideas. Nothing special.
How is it that some of these girls can wear DIY lace shorts and look incredible? I'd look like a royal twat.

Shame the first edit looks so cheesy, it made sense in my head.

Sunrise Swag

I've been waking up at mental times in the morning.
Mainly because of the change in light.
Sometimes I take a few snaps half an hour or so apart. So beautiful. I wish it was summer all year round.

Camera envy

Take pictures with a compact, you're a pervert
Take pictures with an SLR, you're an artist.

Liverpool One has become my new people watching spec.
So peaceful yet buzzing with activity at the same time.
The deckchairs are filled with people watching Wimbledon, I just pinched one to sit and read a book.