
Went to Amy's last night and she gave me a 'smoldering' look.

Nothing like pampering, rose and laughter to cheer you up.


You've got to laugh

They genuinely highlighted this.
Fuzz showing their support.

7days ago

I was in her bed listening to plays on Radio4

I wish I could get hold of that play as a podcast or something :(

I should get on with college work this afternoon. Instead of doodling grumpy owls.



Looking for photos of mum and realising I don't have very many :/

This quote was written in the diary she gave me.


I'm in college believe it or not. But what else am I going to do? Sit in a crumpled heap? I'm sure she didn't want that.


This too shall pass

The first day of the rest of my life...
Without her.
I'm not ready to let go.

'Love never fails'
Corinthians 1


You havn't been stolen from me.
You managed to escape.

I love you so much I could squish you



Lino cut

The actual prints will be dry by tomorow, but for now the scanned lino cut will have to do.
Things are slowly but surely coming together.
Bookbinding workshop booked, I'm really looking forward to it. What have i become?!


"Wait! I'm not ready!"

I'd forgoten how much I like black and white photos.
This dress hasn't seen the light of day in awhile.
Time for it to come out of the closet.

Bidston Hill

I deffinately needed that walk tonight.

Clear my head, etc

Thanks Dad :)

Straw hat + chicken legs.

I got absolutely soaked this afternoon. I don't know if you can make out the damp patches on my dress, but it really was a downpour!
I just walked through the rain with my head held high, laughing about how unsuitable my clothes were.
Good job I didn't have to be anywhere special.

It inspired a Lookbook post which I will link up shortly.
This is one of my favourite hats, found in a nightclub in Soho.


Silly experiments.


Shoddy stencil

Ahhh well. There's always photoshop (When I learn how to use it)
Overall a productive day.
Still now 100% sure how I'm going to bind my final book but It's coming together.

Edgy edit