I found some bits from my rotation sketchbook at college, may as well 'document the journey' At first I thought I'd hate this technique, but on reflection i quite like the loose quality. Thats me I guess.
If you told me textiles would include drawing a whisk using a twig and some black ink I wouldn't have believed you.
There is no limit to a 12 year olds imagination. I wonder at what point some of us lose are creativity? After the sandpit and crayon stage maybe we start to take ourselves too seriously? (Click to enlarge) 'The daily taco was the name of the mexican newspaper'
Revisting some more old photos and changing them to black and white. I took this photo when I was 15 for GCSE art. I'm glad i started taking photos then because i don't think I've put that camera down since.
I love taking pictures of Liverpool. It's felt like home this year.
The first time I've actually had a photoshop tutorial in college. I'm a complete technophobe sometimes, photoshop drives me crazy. This is what i came up with.