Thou shall not take the bible literally
Thou shall not go to the gym just to pose in the mirror
Thou shall not get caught up in the latest craze
Thou shall not sneer at those who do
Thou shall not read books just to appear educated
Thou shall not do things for effect
Thou shall not drink to excess
Thou shall not judge those who do
Thou shall not say loud obnoxious things in the company of those I respect
Thou shall not say loud obnoxious things in the company of anyone
Thou shall not stay on k3 all night, dancing to one hit wonders
Thou shall not claim to have more sophisticated taste in music than anyone else
Thou shall not force my religious views upon other people
Thou shall not force atheism upon those around me
Thou shall not give desired advice
Thou shall not Ignore the measurements given in recipes
Thou shall not call making toast cooking
Thou shall not place any material possession above human life
Thou shall not gamble and lose
Thou shall not express unjustified hatred towards anyone
Thou shall not worship Robert Pattison
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